



Hulk Hogan invita a los fans a colocar en su Facebook las palabras dedicas a Macho Man


Es de sobra sabido, que si hay alguien actualmente en quién podamos pensar al hacer memoria de Macho Man, es Hulk Hogan

Ya fuera como equipo o como rivales, pero sobre los hombros de ellos descansó la WWE durante años, sociedad y amistad que luego llevaron a otros rings, pero el destino los llevó a pasar 10 sin hablarse. Afortunadamente el final llegó en buenos términos para los “Mega Powers

Por ello, es totalmente legítima la invitación que Hulk Hogan hace, para colocar las palabras hacia Randy, en su Facebook. miles de fans ya lo están haciendo:

Dino Solo Pinellas County loves you, Hulk! We are all feeling the loss. You and Randy had your ups and downs, but through it all there had to be mutual respect and love! God bless you, brother!

Pete Cairns A truly sad day, Randy Savage brought an intensity to the ring that had to be seen to be believed. He was a true Champion and a legend. In the last 20 years i wouldnt call many wrestlers one of the greatest but he was right at the top. Hope TNA and WWE pay the respects to Randy that this true legend deserves. OH YEAH!

Darren Adam Let the maddness commence upstairs!!!!!! Oooooohhhh yeahhhhh. RIP macho

Vernon Vickers I missed him wrestling now I will miss him always…. R.I.P Randy Macho Man Savage ohhhhhh yeeeeaaahhhhh…. :-(

Calvin Monroe Miller Very sad about Macho Man! Big piece of my childhood gone!

Debs Mark in my opinion randy had the greatest intercontinental match of all time against ricky steamboat, no wrestler even today has or will ever top that match. god rest his soul…

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