



“Your Time Is Up”, la canción anti-tributo a John Cena

Este es el video de “Your Time Is Up” de Kabal, la canción anti-tributo a John Cena

Interesante el nivel al cual ha llegado la “odiosidad” hacia Cena, de tomarse el tiempo de crear una canción-parodia basada en el tema original del luchador (Your Time Is Now)

La letra de la rola, es la siguiente:

Cena! your time is up,
you can’t see me, you phony chump
You ain’t a franchise your a poseur punk
You can’t see me, your shit gets sunk

You started off a dumb jock who couldn’t make the nfl,
So you stepped inside the ring and re-invented yourself/
Every match you fell off the fans didn’t acknowledge,
Now your claiming “word life” but thugs don’t goto college/
You gets no love or any gold with the leather and,
Now I jack your beat and make it hot like the weathermen/
You couldn’t fix shit if you had McGuyver theories,
And you ONLY got over cus ya joined Team Angle at survior series/
Your just a straight up joke,
Battle rapping fake fans with some rhymes you pre-wrote/
Actually you were handed those quotes by some 40 something white folks,
Up in the offices they were sick of all your losses/
So they figured out away to get you on the front page,
But your a Boston Baked Bitch just like those cowards who jumped Cage/
I could say Vanilla Ice but that’s to damn typical,
Plus it insults Rob Van Winkle ,bitch!/

Yeah, uhh
You just immitate,duplicate copy and mimic,
You and Vince watched 8 mile then came up with your gimmick/
You think your innovative? Your just a fake ass clown.
And that F.U. aint nothing but a lame-ass firemans takedown/
But somehow it got you the gold around your waist,
And then conveniently your cd came out the next day/
With the title on the cover and I’m like "what the fuck is this?",
And that belts got a spinner, and it insults this whole fucking business/
And now toys get destroyed.
Your just a marketing ploy you ain’t no real b-boy/
Cus real rappers do it big dick style your null and void,
Little weiner John Cena needs ta stop injecting steroids/
And I don’t care if your bigger than me son,
cus the uwa’s got my back but i’ll still go one to one/
I fucking live this, cus I write this…and your like,
"Word Life……this is basic wiggeritis"/


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